“Craving and Relapse” was filmed in front of a live audience at Cal State University in Long Beach. This video, based on the time-tested Gorski Model of relapse prevention, captures all the energy and enthusiasm of the talk Bob’s been doing in universities, treatment programs, and conferences for over 20 years! Over this time, the talk has been refined to effectively educate patients in treatment centers on the set-up behaviors and trigger events which set alcoholics and addicts up for the craving cycle. Consistent feedback regarding the usefulness of this information in treating addictions has inspired him to have it filmed so that others in treatment programs might benefit.
Part 1:
Bob provides a synopsis of what his “Craving and Relapse” video is all about: helping alcoholics and drug addicts identify their set-up behaviors and trigger events so they can avoid entering the craving cycle so often.
Part 2:
In this humorous clip, Bob discusses the fact that, despite what the victims of our alcoholic behavior think, alcoholics and addicts are generally very sensitive people.
Part 3:
In this clip, Bob educates on the psychological set-up behavior known as “Euphoric Recall” and briefly demonstrates how such addictive thinking can be challenged by thinking the use episode through to its logical ending.
Part 4:
Bob discusses the difficulty that alcoholics and addicts have accessing treatment if they have no insurance or can’t otherwise afford it, and that the reason he wrote his book “Enough Already!: A Guide to Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Addiction” was so those who need help can learn how to get it using the free 12-step community resources.
Part 5:
Bob explains that the inability to experience pleasure/excitement in early sobriety is temporary and demonstrates that as alcoholics/addicts get removed in time from the memory of the pleasure/excitement level of their use, they will be able to experience pleasure and excitement in their sobriety.
Part 6:
Bob shares the tragic story of a man whose belief that alcohol would work for him again overshadowed his contrary belief that he would die if he returned to drinking.
Part 7:
In this clip, Bob discusses that we need other recovering people in our lives to help us stay sober and that attending 90 12-step meetings in 90 days is an excellent way to minimize the chances for relapse.
Part 8:
Bob describes the mechanics behind which a trigger becomes a trigger, and that recovery from triggers is possible.