Addiction Private Practice

Individual Counseling for

  • Those suffering from alcohol and other drug addiction
  • Family members and significant others affected by alcohol and drug addiction

(Skype/FaceTime counseling also available)

This practice is ideal for people struggling with alcohol or other drug addiction and prefer to start their recovery in individual sessions with a drug and alcohol counselor rather than by entering treatment in a formal rehab setting. It is also indicated for those who have completed formal alcohol and drug addiction treatment and could use the help of a counselor to build sober support (especially if the rehab was out of their area.) Counseling is typically combined with 12-step or other mutual support group attendance.


Tools of Recovery:
  • In sessions with the counselor, clients are taught the tools of addiction recovery and, utilizing the Sobriety Checklist from Bob’s EVVY Award-winning book, Enough Already!: A Guide to Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Addiction, progress on incorporating such tools in daily living is encouraged and tracked.
Relapse Prevention:
  • Bob’s Craving and Relapse DVD, which draws from Terence Gorski’s model of relapse prevention and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies, is being shown in over 1,000 treatment programs across the country. Counselor teaches clients to minimize craving by identifying their physical, psychological, and social set-up behaviors, while learning about their personal relapse triggers and beginning the trigger recovery process.
Coping with Emotions:
  • Given that alcoholics and addicts run from uncomfortable emotions (i.e. shame, anger, grief, fear, boredom) by drinking and using, they must be taught how to use the common tools of recovery to cope with such emotions without using. Counselor also equips clients with specific techniques to build self-esteem.
Building Sober Support:
  • With nearly 30 years of experience as an alcohol and drug counselor, Bob has learned that the single most effective tool when experiencing craving is talking to another recovering alcoholic or addict. Whether resistant to 12-step programs or not, the counselor meets clients where they are at and supports them in building such sober support.
Skype/FaceTime Counseling:
  • When face-to-face counseling is not practical either due to scheduling or because of distance, Skype/FaceTime counseling is a viable and effective alternative, as long as the motivation for help is high.
Family support:
  • Addiction is considered a family disease and, therefore, the entire family unit is affected. Counseling is available for family members and other significant others who have been affected by their loved-one’s addictive patterns. Family members are provided education on alcohol and drug addiction and the process of recovery for both their addicted loved-one and for themselves. This education includes guidance and support in attaining a support system that will help them set and enforce boundaries enabling them to reclaim their lives, whether or not their loved-one decides to get sober.

Indicated referrals

Self-referral: Addicted persons or their loved-ones can call directly to schedule an appointment with Bob.

From treatment programs: An appropriate referral to our practice is a person who is not ready to enter formal rehab at an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) or higher level of care or can’t afford the expense. If this level of care proves to be inadequate, every effort will be made to return the client back to the referring program.

From therapists: An appropriate referral to our practice is a client whose alcohol or drug addiction is compromising the therapeutic process. Such a client is introduced and encouraged into recovery utilizing Bob’s Sobriety Checklist prior to being referred back to the therapy practice. Clients are typically referred back after 4 weeks given the patient has progressed well in recovery.


  • $100 per individual session (a % of practice will be set aside for sliding scale)
  • $40 per group session (upon availability)

Location: Long Beach (Long Beach Blvd near the 405 freeway)